1. Create an animated story of “Journey to Mars”, where two astronauts get on to the rocket and then the rocket takes off and finally land on mars for their research work.
2. Create an animation of “Teacher asking a student to tell the multiplication table of any given number” (use of text to speech).
3. Create an animation of “an Airplane taking off and fly in the sky to several places of the world distributing the food. Finally landing back to its original place.”
4. Create a story of “Mr. Panda lost in a jungle and finding his way to the home. He meets an elephant on the way and had a conversation to get out of the jungle. Elephant shows the way and steps to pass the jungle and go to the city. After sometimes Mr. Panda finally crosses the jungle and comes to the city back to his home.”
5. Create a game - “Galaxy fighter spaceship fighting enemy’s spaceships”.
6. Create a game - “Monkey eating apples falling from the heaven”.
7. Create an app for “Drawing shapes of different sizes.”
8. Create an app to “Play Happy Birthday song.”
9. Create a game - “Duck saving itself from the enemy’s Eggs”.
10. Create a game - “Astronaut collecting diamond on the mars and saving himself from the monsters on the mars”.
11. Create a code to determine the age, gender & smile score of a person looking in the computer’s camera.
12. Create a code to determine the names of 4 famous personalities by showing the pictures in the computer’s camera
13. Create a code to recognize the printed and handwritten text on a page shown to the computer’s camera.
14. Create a code to recognize emotions of a person looking in the computer’s camera.
15. Create a code to make a Table Data Chart of 5 Locations and their highest temperature.
16. Create a code to make a Bar Data Chart of 5 Locations and respective Humidity.
17. Create a code to make a Pie Data Chart of 5 Locations and respective lowest temperature.
18. Create a code to make a Line Data Chart of 5 Locations and their respective sunrise time.
19. Mr. Sahil is waiting for his bus on the bus station. When bus comes, Sahil gets on to the bus and get down to his house and goes inside his house.
20. Miss Dia is walking to her school and goes inside and collects her mark sheet and comes back and walks back to her home.
1. Move Codey Rocky in a square path in forward clockwise direction.
2. Move Codey Rocky in a rectangular path in backward anticlockwise direction.
3. Move Codey Rocky in a circular path in anticlockwise forward direction.
4. Move Codey Rocky in a circular path in clockwise backward direction.
5. Move mBot in a square path in backward anti-clockwise direction.
6. Move mBot in a rectangular path in forward clockwise direction.
7. Move mBot in a circular path in clockwise backward direction.
8. Move mBot in a circular path in anti-clockwise forward direction.
9. Make Codey sing “Happy Birthday” song to you and dance on disco lights.
10. Make mBot as an Ambulance and run.
11. Make Codey as a Police car and run it with its siren.
12. Make mBot goes crazy and dance on the floor with disco lights.
13. Create a code to move mBot by recognizing the action words being spoken.
14. Create a code to move Codey by recognizing the printed text on a page shown to the computer’s camera.
15. Create a code to move mBot in a square path by recognizing the printed text “Move in a circular path” shown to computer’s camera.
16. Create a code to move Codey in circular path by telling “Move in a square path”.
17. Create a code to make a Gesture controlled car using mBot.
18. Create a code to make a Color controlled car using Codey Rocky.
19. Create a code to make mBot follow the Black Track on the ground.
20. Create a code to make Codey follow the Torch light.
1. Create a code to blink a LED at a very low frequency of 2 Hz.
2. Create a code to glow a LED from low intensity to high intensity and reverse.
3. Create a code to blink two LEDs, one at 20 Hz and other at 50 Hz, observe the difference and discuss.
4. Create a code to glow and blink a LED from low intensity and low frequency to high intensity and high frequency and reverse.
5. Create a code to make a distance measuring device.
6. Create a code to make a speedometer.
7. Create a code to detect the obstacle and ring the alarm and light a LED.
8. Create a code to detect the obstacle and control the dc motor.
9. Create a code to detect the presence of any object in front of sensor.
10. Create a code to make a thief detecting system & alarm.
11. Create a code to detect the IR signal from IR remote and turn on the light.
12. Create a code to make a track following car.
13. Create a code to measure the room temperature in degree Celsius & Fahrenheit.
14. Create a code to measure the room temperature and display on MAX7219 display screen.
15. Create a code to measure the room temperature and activate the fan accordingly. If room temperature is low, then fan runs slowly. If temperature is high, then fan runs fast.
16. Create a code to measure the humidity in the room and display its percentage on MAX7219 display screen.
17. Create a code to measure the amount of water in the soil and display on MAX7219 display screen.
18. Create a code to run a pump according to the water level in the soil and display the humidity percentage on MAX7219 display screen.
19. Mr. Sahil is waiting for his bus on the bus station. When bus comes, Sahil gets on to the bus and get down to his house and goes inside his house.
20. Create a code to detect big sound and display its intensity on MAX7219 display screen.
21. Create a code to make a thief detecting system with an alarm.
22. Create a code to make a system of collision avoidance.
23. Create a code to make a system measuring the level of water in a tank and display on MAX7219 display screen.
24. Create a code to activate the circuit system using the laser sensor.
25. Create a code to make a gas leakage detection system with an alarm and display the air quality on MAX7219 display screen.
26. Create a code to make a digital speedometer of a car using hall sensor and display on MAX7219 display screen.
27. Create a code to measure the voltage using hall sensor and display on MAX7219 display screen.
28. Create a code to make a security system using hall sensor.